Alexandros Mainas MD Ph.D
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Fetal prenatal diagnosis (Certified Center by FMF London UK)
IOTA certified member
In 2002 this office was created with high sense of responsibility for the problems that may be encountered the woman at all ages. The knowledge, the international continuing education and the high technology equipment help in providing new and minimal invasive techniques equally effective in areas of rapid development. The collaboration and continuous audit of the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London by Professor Kypros H. Nicolaides guarantees high specialization in the field of maternal-fetal medicine and make us pioneers in the area.
Working with scientists specialized in the field of genetics, embryology, hematology, child, adolescent and adult endocrinology, dysmorphology and plastic surgery enable organized treatment in many problems. The effort is continuing with responsibility, seriousness and experience.
Head doctor: Alexandros Mainas MD Ph.D
Midwife responsible for coordination: Asimina Avzoti University of Thessaloniki
Administrativestaff:Eleni Papadopoulou
Time of services only by appointment
Daily from 09.00 to 13.00 & 18.00 to 22.00
except Wednesday and Saturday afternoon.
Make an appointment for an examination by the gynecologist.
Brief Curriculum Vitae
- 1992 I graduated from the Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace among the first graduates of the year.
- 2001 I received the title of Specialization in Obstetrics – Gynecology, from University Hospital of Patras Greece
- 2002 I certified by the Fetal Medicine Foundation of London, UK to perform full antenatal ultrasound scan of the fetus.
- 2003 official license to perform ultrasound by the Greek Minister of Health.
- 2007 I received my Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D) from the Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace with a grade “excellent” in a thesis with the title ” Permeability of the placenta”
- 2015 certified by the Hellenic Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology in prenatal diagnosis
I have participated in many conferences with free communications while my papers published in recognized journals.